Southbrook Cottages, Winchester Client Winchester City Council Form of Contract JCT Intermediate Duration 36 Weeks Architect Architecture PLB Engineer Marbas M&E Consultant Qoda Converting a former garage block into six affordable and highly energy efficient new...
Brewery House, Southsea Client Ravelin Housing Group Form of Contract JCT Design & Build Duration 62 Weeks Architect Re-Format Engineer GyourySelf Partnership A former bottling factory located within the city of Portsmouth. The brief was to convert the building...
Station Road Apartments, Portchester Client Fareham Borough Council Form of Contract JCT Design & Build Duration 67 Weeks Architect MH Architects Engineer Cowan Consultancy M&E Consultant Subcontract Design Design and construction of 16 new supported housing...
St. Francis Court, Portsmouth Client Coronation Homes Form of Contract JCT Intermediate Duration 28 Weeks Architect Cover Storey Architects M&E Consultant Subcontract Design The project comprises the construction of two new buildings, which will provide four new...
Mudberry Barn Conversion Client Private Client Form of Contract JCT Design & Build Duration 40 Weeks Architect MH Architects M&E Consultant Subcontract Design The conversion of a dilapidated Barn to form two domestic dwellings. The feature timber roof trusses were...
Royal Close Chichester Client Chichester Greyfriars Housing Association Form of Contract JCT Design & Build Duration 40 Weeks Architect Cover Storey Architects M&E Consultant Subcontract Design Design and construction of 8 new flats with enhancements to the site...