Haven Health Client Haven Health Form of contract JCT Design & Build Duration 56 Weeks Architect Simpson Hilder Associates Engineer PRP M&E Consultants McCann Fareham & Gosport Child Development Centre project for Haven Health, located in the heart of...
Winton House Client Learn2Live Form of contract JCT Design & Build Duration 52 Weeks Architect Colman Architects Engineer Paul Basham M&E Consultants Subcontract Remodelling and refurbishment of the existing listed building to create a rehabilitation facility...
Royal Close Chichester Client Chichester Greyfriars Housing Association Form of Contract JCT Design & Build Duration 40 Weeks Architect Cover Storey Architects M&E Consultant Subcontract Design Design and construction of 8 new flats with enhancements to the site...
University of Chichester Health Sciences Client University of Chichester Form of Contract JCT Design & Build Duration 14 Weeks Architect Stride Treglown M&E Consultant Subcontract Design Refurbishment of the existing ‘ArtOne’ building to provide Health Science...
Wetherdown Lodge, The Sustainability Centre Client The Earthworks Trust Form of Contract JCT Intermediate Duration 30 Weeks Architect Anthony Cohen Engineer Andrew Waring Associates M&E Consultant Blair Rains The refurbishment of Wetherdown Lodge at the...
LCT7074, The D-Day Story Client The National Museum of the Royal Navy Form of Contract JCT Intermediate Building Contract with Contrators Design Duration 48 Weeks Architect Pritchard Architecture Engineer Mann Williams M&E Consultant Chapman BDSP Construction of...